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Informationstechnik & System-Management (Master)

Double Degrees

Für besonders qualifizierte Studierende gibt es die Möglichkeit, einen Doppelabschluss im Masterstudium Embedded and Intelligent Systems (TAEIS) an der Halmstad University in Schweden zu erwerben.

Double Degree SCHWEDEN

Studierende verbringen das letzte Studienjahr an der Partneruniversität und absolvieren dort die erforderlichen Kurse bzw. schreiben ihre Masterthesis, die am Studiengang Informationstechnik & System-Management anerkannt wird. Die genaue Vorgangsweise und die gegenseitige Anerkennung der Lehrveranstaltungen bzw. der Masterarbeit sind vertraglich geregelt. Auch für dieses Auslandsstudium kann man um ein Erasmusstipendium ansuchen.


For this double degree programme, the following general provisions apply:

  1. Year one has to be successfully completed at the home institution; Year two is done at the partner institution Halmstad University in Sweden 
  2. Double Degree students must fulfill all degree requirements specified by each institution. This includes one additional module (see below) and the thesis defense at TAEIS as well as the master exam at ITS-Master.
  3. The thesis itself will be jointly supervised by TAEIS and ITS-Master and needs to be approved by both institutions. A thesis can only be written by one student.
  4. The degree awarded by TAEIS is Master of Science; the degree awarded by ITS-Master is Diplomingenieur.
  5. Preselected students participating in the Double Degree programme will submit their applications at the host institution at latest by 15 April. (Application deadline FH Salzburg: 10. January)
  6. The receiving institution will have the final decision on admitting incoming Double Degree students.

Students participating in the Double Degree track must comply with the following requirements:

ITS-Master students (Salzburg, Austria) to TAEIS (Halmstad, Sweden) 
  • Year one at ITS-Master: Signal Processing & Robotics must be chosen as one of the specializations
  • Year two at TAEIS:
    • Compulsory Modules: Design of Embedded Intelligent Systems, Cooperating Intelligent Systems (offered in semester 1at Halmstad) 
    • 1 optional technical module to be chosen from the remaining courses eligible for the 3rd semester.
    • 1 business/management module to be agreed with ITS-Master
    • Master thesis and master defence
TAEIS (Halmstad, Sweden) students to ITS-Master (Salzburg, Austria)
  • Year one at TAEIS: Specialization packages Embedded Systems or Intelligent Systems
  • Year two at ITS-M:
    • Regular third and fourth semester courses at ITS-Master
    • Courses in the chosen specialization at ITS-Master
    • R&D-Project (semesters 1 and 2) as additional module
    • Master thesis and master exam