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Robophilosophy Workshop

Was machen Roboter, wenn wir nicht da sind? Was schätzen oder bevorzugen sie?

In Diskussionen rund um die Interaktion mit Roboter steht meist der Mensch im Mittelpunkt.
Simon Hoher, Fachbereichsleiter für Mechatronik und Robotik am Studiengang ITS, versucht gemeinsam mit FachkollegInnen aus Technik und Philosophie das Phänomen der Roboter und generell der Maschinen aus einer anderen Perspektive zu sehen.
In ihrem Workshop „Machines without humans // Post-robotics“ auf der Robophilosophy Konferenz in Wien vom 14.-17. Februar 2018 wird die Welt der Roboter und Maschinen aus deren Sicht betrachtet.

Detailed information on the workshop:
Debates around robots, both scientific and non-scientific, mostly put the human being in their focus. This is important and necessary to produce machines that humans can operate and interact with, and to do responsible research. We think, however, that the phenomenon of robots, and generally machines, is only fully comprehensible if we, the observers, step back and try to understand machines form another, unusual perspective: the machines themselves.
We invite participants of this workshop to reflect upon machines, and especially robots, from a machine / robot point of view.
What do robots do when we are not around? How do they spend the end of their working day? What do they appreciate or prefer? How, and what, do they communicate among each other? For instance, what were the two Facebook bots conferring about before some human turned them off?
It is not our goal to design a post-human society but rather to explore what it means for our society not to consider robots only as agents that ought to be designed to carry out human tasks. In our opinion, we should take robots as robots seriously, because we often must rely upon them for good reasons. They help building our machines, guide us through art exhibitions, and assist in nursing.
Thus, within this workshop we would like to take a closer look at the robots themselves. We invite the participants to think away from a barely functional point of view, to think about the idea that robots are more than just the functional “partner” of humans.
Preliminary program.

The organisers:
Simon HOHER, University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, Austria
Simone KIMPELER, Competence Center Foresight, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, Karlsruhe, Germany
Maike KLEIN, Institute of Philosophy, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Maximilian LEHNER, Institute of Contemporary Arts and Media, KU Linz, Austria

Interessierte könnten sich bis 14.02.2018 für die International Research Conference Robophilosophy 2018 – Envisioning Robots In Society: Politics, Power, And Public Space anmelden. Informationen dazu und weitere Details sind auf der Konferenzwebseite nachzulesen.