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Martin Uray

Titel/Grad: FH-Ass.Prof. DI, BSc

Funktion: Lecturer

    • Data Analytics
    • Machine Learning
    • Topological Machine Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning
      • Data Analysis with Python (WS, ITS-B and ITSB-B)
      • Hardware Oriented Signal Processing (WS, Bridge Course for the program AISP)
      • Reinforcement Learning & Applied Reinforcement Learning (WS, ITS-M, ITSB-M, BIN, AISP)
      • Machine Learning (SS, ITS-M, ITSB-M, BIN, AISP)
      • Current Trends in AI (SS, ITS-M, ITSB-M, BIN)



      I am part of the Josef-Ressel-Center for Intelligent and Secure Industry Automation (ISIA), where I work on novel Machine Learning Algorithms for the application within the industrial setting. My focus here is mainly on the intersection of Machine Learning and Topological Information. I am also offering Bachelor and Master Thesis within the context of my research.

      Selected Publications:

      For all publications, please be referred to https://martin.uray.at or Google Scholar.


      Contact information:
      fon:  +43 (0)50-2211-1304
      fax: +43 (0)50-2211-1349
      email: martin.uray@fh-salzburg.ac.at
      website: https://martin.uray.at

      Martin Uray

      Martin Uray (Foto: FH Salzburg)